No More Boobs For California Print
Written by David Howard   

You can become a fan of Californians For Less Sucky Candidates For Governor here.

California is getting a new governor. Here's the problem. Of the four major candidates (okay, three are major) there is not a single one that doesn't suck. Is it really too much to ask for to have one stinking candidate that doesn't have the "suck factor?" We're the fricking EIGHTH biggest economy in the world!

For decades now California has not had a governor who has been able to get the state on track. Granted the Golden State has had some good years, however that is because the Californians themselves have made the changes. Like when we made up the internet. Then the politicians spend all our hard earned money on crap rather then solving the problems. In fact, the politicians have been atrocious. Whenever there is a measure that may seem difficult politically, they just pass it on to the voters instead of making a stand.

In my lifetime, the State of California's problems have just kept truckin'.

Now we have 4 boobs in the running for the state's highest office.


First, there is Meg Whitman(R)who has gone flash ad crazy on the television. Let's remember Meg didn't even register to vote until about four years ago. Sure, Meg has had some fancy experience at E-Bay for ten years. However, E-Bay has never been in the shitcan and needed to be pulled up. Meg Whitman didn't make E-Bay great. E-Bay made E-Bay great.

Then there is former two term Governor Jerry Brown (D), who is the son of a two term governor. He served honorably enough but didn't have any major accomplishments. The unemployment rate went for 7.2 to 10 in the last few years of his reign.  Considering the UE rate is now 12% (plus or minus a few percentage points for freelancers). I don't think he is the right man for the gig.

Steve Poizner (R)  is the current Insurance Commissioner and has been for fourish years. Insurance companies beat the shit of out California and continue to do so.  He served under George W. Bush and started as a Homeland Security monitor on Sept 3, 2001. He is a Texan and we don't much for Texan politicians around here. Especially those with ties to Enron. He is part of the problem... not the solution.

Finally, there is Richard Aguirre (D). WHO? Exactly! This guy doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. Sure, this pony tailed surfer seems well meaning enough. He is all for a green economy and has a lot of idealistic platforms. We can judge him straight from his website. If you are from California and running against two republicans with Silicon Valley CEO experience-- find a buddy who build a decent Word Press site for you. Who put this hunk of crap together? The crack team from "Celeberity Apprentice?" If you are an unknown candidate, you should at least have a bio page! And maybe even a picture of you with a tie on.

Is there not anyone worthy of California who wants to run California? Will Dianne Fienstein, Steve Jobs, Jeffery Katenberg, Ron Meyer step it up? It's a tough gig and it's obvious no smart people really want the job. But for crying out loud we had DOZENS of candidates the year of the recall. I would even vote for 80 year old Richard Riordan or crackpot Warren Beatty before I got on the bandwagon of these folks. We are a purple state, so folks, party doesn't really matter that much.

So today, I unveil a new Facebook fan page: Californians For Less Sucky Candidates For Governor. Join on up! We can do better than this.
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